Frequently asked questions


How Do I Book a Canoe Rental at Econfina Creek, Florida?

Book your canoe or kayak here. You can also call or text us at 850-601-0157 or message us on our Facebook page.

Where are you located?

We are located at the same site as the old Econfina Creek Canoe Livery. Our address is 5641 Porter Pond Road, Youngstown, FL, 32466.

How much does it cost?

Our pricing breakdown is as follows:
  • Canoes: $65/vessel per day, seats 2 people. Add an additional person for $10 (including shuttle).
  • Single Kayaks: $50/vessel per day, seats 1 person (includes shuttle).
  • Double kayaks: $65/vessel per day, seats 2 people (includes shuttle).
  • Personal vessel drop-ins: $15/vessel.
  • Personal vessel pick-ups: $10/person (includes personal vessel transportation).

Should I still come rent a canoe or kayak if it rains?

If it rains, we still encourage you to come to enjoy the creek! However, be sure to check the weather conditions the morning of your reservation or planned paddle and call us if you have any questions.

What should we bring while canoeing or kayaking down the creek?

What we suggest you bring for a fun trip down Econfina Creek:
  • Swimsuit
  • Sunscreen/long-sleeved shirt & pants to stay safe from the sun!
  • Snorkel gear/goggles (if you have them!)
  • Food/snacks/hydrating beverages
  • Bug spray, if you're sensitive to mosquito bites!
  • Sunglasses
  • Water-safe packs for valuables such as phones and keys. We cannot keep your keys and the creek WILL eat them, so make sure you have a way to keep them safe!

How many springs will I see on my journey?

There are 6 large, crystal-clear cold springs that you'll see on your journey!

Do you accept walk-ins?

Yes, but make sure you message us on Facebook or give us a call before doing so to check availability, as our inventory is limited and walk-in rentals are not guaranteed.

Can I bring my dog?

We LOVE dogs, but unfortunately, we cannot accept dogs for those who rent our vessels or launch any vessel from our site. This has to do with our agreement with the landowner. You can learn more about bringing dogs to the springs and on the creek by visiting the NW Florida Water Management District website.

What times can I pick up my vessel?

You can pick up your canoes and kayaks between 8:30 AM and 1:00 PM, 7 days a week.

What time do your shuttles pick us up at the end of the creek?

Shuttles begin running at the pick-up location at 1PM and continue until 5:30 PM. The LAST shuttle pick up is at 5:30 PM. You must make sure that you are at the pick-up point by 5:30 PM lest you WILL be charged a late fee of $20 dollars per vessel per half-hour past 6PM.

Where will you pick us up at the end of the canoe or kayak journey?

We will pick you up at the Route 388 Bridge in Youngstown Florida at the end of your 7-mile journey. This is the 2nd bridge you will encounter on your canoe and kayak journey. Make sure to STOP at the pull off directly in front of the Route 388 bridge to wait for your shuttle.

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